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How to Get Free MyVegas Chips There are 5 ways to get free thousands and thousands of myVegas chips: 1 through the daily spin; each day, as you start the game (not the very first time), a daily spin pop up (looks like a wheel) will show and you can earn a small or a very large number of chips. In the game hack myVEGAS Slots so much new that no similar game with it can be compared. Here you will find a huge number of bonus lotteries and quests that can enrich you. In this game you can share with your friends daily gifts and free chips. As for the game myVEGAS Slots, cheats for Chips and everything else is very easy to use.
Using Online Surveys for Free myVegas Chips
As explained on our How to Get Free myVegas Chips page, there are several worthwhile ways to do so. But there are also other methods: on the bottom right of the main myVegas game screen you will see a small icon with the words ‘Get Free Chips’; if you click on that, you will see that you can buy goods and services (such as business cards, movies or memberships) for a relatively low price and, with each purchase you will be rewarded a good number of chips, which varies according to the purchase. So, they are not really ‘free’; however, you will see that you can also fill out online surveys (currently by Ampario) for about 21,000 chips per survey, and that’s totally free; moreover, you could do this daily, theoretically, thus amassing a decent number of chips per week. But does it really work and is it worth it?
Should we Bother to Fill Out Online Surveys to Get Free Chips on myVegas?
First of all, 21,000 chips are not much if you spin high bets; however, if you are spinning low you may well be tempted to invest your time for those free chips. We have done so many times, and we concluded as follows:
Myvegas Slots Free Chips Links
♦ Unless you fortuitously happen to carry out the survey whilst they have one available, one which is not riddled with technical glitches, it will be a painful long and fruitless experience. Not worth your time. This is why:
⇒ the survey will ask you a few basic questions (age, gender, postal code); if there are no technical problems (the survey site seems to be plagued with them) you will be asked more more and more questions, giving you the impression that you are actually completing a survey. You may invest 10 to 20 minutes, bored but happy to be soon receiving your free 21,000 chips; however, more often than not, you will reach an abrupt ending with either a blank page or a page with the following (or similar) text:
‘thank you for answering those questions; we have no more questions for you today’
‘sorry, we have no surveys available for you today’
⇒At this point you will wonder what on Earth you have been doing for the 10 or even 20 minutes prior to that frustrating message; our guess is that you have been giving information to Ampario without seeing a flicker of reward. We found their system deeply flawed; we don’t know if it’s deliberate or just bad software, but the bottom line is that they should be able to screen us in the first page and tell us immediately if we qualified for a survey or not, rather than making us fill endless pages only to be told we did not qualify for a survey, or to be mysteriously told ‘thank you for answering those questions; we have no more questions for you today’ and not given the promised myVegas chips.
TIPRather than wasting your time with these unrewarding surveys, you are better off accumulating free chips by these better methods and wait until you have enough to play at a quest you like or a quest that’s very generous at the end.
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