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When you start new account you get 50plat for free, which is basicaly worth of two frame slot, its why are people probably mistaken with frame slot amount, i am not sure if this is from begining, but i think acc since 2017 have it, so you start game with two slots and you can buy two more. The bonus spins are valid for 48 hours from How To Get Warframe Slots For Free the moment they're credited. The maximum bonus bet limit is $/€6.25 on slot games, and $/€25 How To Get Warframe Slots For Free on table games. The bonuses are subject to 40x bonus amount wagering requirements. Time to complete 30 days. Game weightings apply.
Want active Warframe promo codes, then you here is an extensive guide for you! Promo codes expire, some will work and some not. But do not worry we bring you codes 2020 list where new codes will update everyone. Here is the list of Warframe Promo Codes for December 2020, with info on how to redeem code. You can also learn what all things you can unlock for this month.
Warframe Promo Codes – December 2020
Most of the Warframe free codes unlock glyphs, but some will also bring out new items. Some codes will remain active only for a short period and expire. You will need to check all the codes to find active promo codes and continue checking our articles for new updates. Expired Warframe promo codes are listed at the end of this article, you can also check them out.
The condition to use these Warframe glyph codes is you can only use them one. The promo codes are limited to single-user usage, and you can use multiple of them to unlock new items in Warframe. To save your time and effort we had put all Warframe codes in one place. You can go through the list of codes and find out the hidden gifts.
What are Warframe promo codes?
Warframe promo codes are free codes to redeem glyphs from the official site of Warframe. The promo codes also bring items or upgrade for your Warframe. If it’s free why not try. In simple words, these Warframe redemption codes are free glyph codes for Warframe players. The codes are free can be delivered to you in your email or Warframe account. But sometime you won’t get all them, this is where our guide will help you to get a list of every active Warframe promo code.

A lot of promo codes are released on Twitch, and if you not actively monitoring it you will miss some of the coolest free items. But there is nothing to worry as this codes 2020 list will help you in getting all of them listed in one place.
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Active Promo Codes
These Warframe free codes are special codes to unlock in-game items. For example weapons or boosters, etc. And each code has an expiration date, so you have to manually redeem promo code to verify if they are active or working. Most of the promo codes listed below are active and will reward you with free rewards. Also, there is one more restriction of the codes that are restricted to a user, sent to their account. And it will only work with that account, if you have any issue you a connect Warframe Support.
Warframe Platinum codes
Warframe Platinum Codes are rare. There are no promo codes in this category neither you can buy them. But there is a way to get Warframe Platinum codes. You will have to participate in Warframe Refer a friend program to get free Warframe Platinum codes.
Each Warframe player has a unique Referral link if you refer a friend and complete 10 UNIQUE missions you will earn a reward. The first time they buy anything you get 10 discount under Warframe Platinum bonus. You will earn a reward every 5 players you recruit.
You can see all your progress on the Warframe.com/referral link. Using the unique referral link you can encourage your friends to play with you. Complete 10 missions and unlock a Warframe Platnium bonus discount. Here is a list of Rewards you can earn while using the referral program.
Warframe Slots Cap
- 5 Recruits – 2 Weapon Slots
- 10 Recruits – Warframe slot
- 15 Recruits – Rare Mod – Firestorm
- 20 Recruits – Rare Mod – Self-Destruct
- 25 Recruits – Rare Mod – Undying Will
- 25+ Recruits – Rare Mods repeat and stack with every 5 recruits
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You will earn seven-day Affinity Booster when you refer a friend and play Warframe for the first time. Using this boost you can help the recruits to amplify their Tenno weapons and gears.
Warframe Platinum Codes are more like a discount bonus. Your friend’s first purchase rewards you with a 10% discount and it will be automatically added to your account.
Warframe Glyph Codes
Warframe Slot Cost
Here are some active Warframe glyph codes, to redeem visit Warframe.com/promocode and type the code. Click on Submit code and provide your Warframe login details. Using these free Warframe codes you can unlock various new items in the game, do check this list again if the codes are not working. We will update new Warframe promo codes regularly.
- HotShomStories
- MadFury
- JustRLC
- FeelLikeAPlayer
- Macho
- AGayGuyPlays
- NoSympathyy
- RebelDustyPinky
- SarahTsang
- Rippz0r
- OrpheusDeluxe
- TioMario
- PokketNinja
- SerdarSari
- Tanchan
- Amprov
- TinBears
- Xenogelion
- Woxli
- VoidFissureBR
- Sn0wRC
- ToxickToe
- TioRamon
- Smoodie
- Sapmatic
- ReyGanso
- PostiTV
- MrSteelWar
- MichelPostma
- GlamShatterSkull
- McMonkeys
- Kr1ptonPlayer
- Kiwad
- IWoply
- InfoDiversao
- Hydroxate
- Endotti
- Emovj
- Eduiy16
- DillyFrame
- DeepBlueBeard
- Aznitrous
- AngryUnicorn
- BlackOni
- BigJimID
- AnjetCat
- AeonKnight86
- WarframeCommunityDiscord
- GermanCommunityDiscord
- BrazilCommunityDiscord
- ConclaveDiscord
- VoltTheHero
- Golden
- ElDanker
- CGsKnackie
- MrWarframeGuy
- KingGothaLion
- FromThe70s
- Sherpa
- Vernoc
- Gara
- AnnoyingKillah
- VVhiteAngel
- AdmiralBahroo
- AshiSogiTenno
- Bricky
- Brozime
- BurnBxx
- Bwana
- Char
- CohhCarnage
- DanielTheDemon
- Deejayknight
- DeuceTheGamer
- DimitriV2
- DjTechLive
- DKDiamantes
- ExtraCredits
- Frozenballz
- GrindHardSquad
- Homiinvocado
- JoeyZero
- LeyzarGamingViews
- LilLexi
- LynxAria
- Makarimorph
- MCGamerCZ
- MikeTheBard
- Mogamu
- OriginalWickedFun
- ProfessorBroman
- Rahetalius
- Shul
- SkillUp
- Strippin
- TacticalPotato
- TeaWrex
- TotalN3wb
- Triburos
- UnrealYuki
- Wanderbots
How to redeem?
Promo codes are special codes that can unlock in-game items. Go to warframe.com/promocode. Type the code and click on Submit code. Follow instructions on the next screen to get a free item added to your account.
This is a list of all Warframe promo codes 2020, we will try to add more to this article soon. This is our promo codes 2020 which was updated this month and we are going to add more to this list.